Reverse Engineering Printed Circuit Board Component Arrangement
Reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD will always refers to the component arrangement, since get the bill of material from the process of reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD is very critical, in the bill of material, each one of the resistor, capacitor, inductor, crystal value, size and footprint must be measured and record, diode, triode and integrated circuit marking should be recorded properly too. Reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD means not only get its layout, and circuit pattern drawing, schematic diagram, but also its part list, which has the clear description about each components, so when in the process of component procurement for PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD manufacture after PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD reverse engineering, engineers can understand it well.
About the component arrangement and location:
1; arrange the components according to the grid drawing location in the format of row and line after reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, all of the axial components should be arranged paralleled, then the axial orientation insertion machine has no necessity to rotate the PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD when assemble it after reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, since the unnecessary of PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD rotation and movement can greatly decrease the insertion machine speed;
2; similar electronic components on the PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD should be arranged in the similar way to assemble it, such as put all of the axial capacitor’s anode towards the right side of PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, and make sure all of the orientation of dual line DIP components’ indentation marking are on the same way when reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD, etc, which can effectively accelerate the PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD assemble and make less mistakes. As a matter of fact, a PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD manufacturer and assembly manufacturer can standardize the orientation of their PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD components before and after PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD reverse engineering. Anyway, some of the PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD layout maybe is not fittable for such arrangement so which means this could be a way to fight for;
3, put dual line insertion component and connector, other components with lots of leads’ orientation vertical to the orientation of wave soldering when reverse engineering PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD and get its layout, which can greatly decrease the soldering bridge among the leads of components.
Tags: pcb assemble reverse engineering,pcb board reverse engineering,pcb card reverse engineering,pcb reverse engineering,pcba reverse engineering,Printed Circuit Board Reverse Engineering,printed wiring board reverse engineering,pwb reverse engineering,pwba reverse engineering