Replicating PCB Board Component List
Replicating PCB Board Component List means to extract the assembled components information from original printed circuit board, by de-solder the components off it one by one and make corresponding record on the file which can be used as the preliminary recording file for BOM(Bill of Material);

When Replicating PCB Board, If there is any special components non-exist in the component library, then it is necessary to manipulate the component list and datasheet before replicating pcb board. it is relatively simple process to make the component datasheet in the Protel 99se, choose “design” from the menu and select the “make library”, then enter the component fabrication window in the process of reverse engineering pcb board, then choose “TOOL” from menu then select the “NEW COMPONENT ” order to proceed the component placement installation.
At this time, designer only need to draw the corresponding soldering pad on the top layer by PLACE PAD order and edit them into the required shape and size, also need to specify the pinout definition of each soldering pad lead, and then use the PLACE TRACK order in the TOP OVERLAYER to draw the largest size of component in the process of PCB board circuit diagram restoration, name the component and save it into the component database.
d. after the completion of component list design, then proceed the PCB board wiring schematic recovery, layout and route;
e. after these above steps have been done, inspection must be carried out in the process. for one hand, this inspection will include the schematic diagram principle check, other side is to check the matchment and comparison among the original pcb board with replicating pcb board and the assemble quality issue. replicating pcb board inspection can be done manually also can be checked automatically by network (designer can match the network obtained from the schematic diagram with the one from the pcb board replicating).
f. after the inspection, file the document and output, and in the Protel 99se software, you should choose the order “IMPORT” from “FILE”, and save the file to the dedicated route.
Tags: replicate pcb board bom,replicate pcb board design,replicate pcb board diagram,replicate pcb board drawing,replicate pcb board file,replicate pcb board gerber,replicate pcb board layout,replicate pcb board schematic