Printed Wiring Board Clone Process
Printed Wiring Board clone process will go through the fan-out step, in this stage, there should be at least one through hole on each one pinout of surface mounted device, so the Printed Wiring Board can have interlayer connection, in circuit test and circuit processing when require more connection and layout;

In order to maximize the work efficiency of automatically Printed Wiring Board clone tools, max through holes dimension and printed track must be applied and the separation of each track should be at least 50mil. PCB Hardware reverse engineering online test can be done on the preliminary stage of clone, and come into practice in the latter part of production.
Printed Wiring Board clone will surely refers to the manual clone and the processing of critical signal, although there is more and more people start to use automatic layout method to ensure PCB clone accurary, but manual clone will still be an important aspect. Manual layouting the net pick up from the net blocks and form the shape to establish the route which can be reliable for automatically PCB clone service.
First need to clone the critical signal track, manual clone or combine with automatically clone are all ok. After the completeness, related engineers will check these signal tracks. After the foundation of these tracks, we can start to clone other signal tracks.
the supreme court has already proclaimed the business secret or intellectual property obtained from self-research or through reverse engineering PCB don’t belong to the unfair competition action. Circuit Engineering Co.,Ltd has commited to Reverse Engineering technology research and service for over two decades. and have ever reverse engineering then clone or copy the electronic printed circuit board from different industries, as well as the pcb board manufacture and prototype building. and we have great advantage over PCB board cycle control, research and development as well as the cost analysis.
Nowadays, electronic products are being updated in fast speed; and PCB reverse engineering from our company in the base of completely master the traditional PCB structure or its basic circuit, furthermore, is base upon the self research and development, include the software upgrade and product second phase development; and we will dedicate to clone PCB with 100% exact the same functions as original sample given by the same time, we also decrease the PCB reverse engineering cycle refers to the pcb board with blind or buried vias, effectively save customer time and energy, low down its cost. and which is also one of the reasons for us to be favor by most of our clients.
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