PCB Board Cloning Finalize Technical Data Package

PCB Board Cloning Finalize Technical Data Package include Schematic diagram, Layout drawing, Gerber file and BOM which can be used for Printed circuit board reproduction
PCB Board Cloning Finalize Technical Data Package include Schematic diagram, Layout drawing, Gerber file and BOM which can be used for Printed circuit board reproduction;
1st step is Formulate/deliver technical data package. A finalized technical data pacakge should be formulated and delivered to the agency requesting the reverse engineering of the candidate item.
2nd step include changes of pcb board clone: After approval of the prototype, all data changes required as a result of the manufacturing phase should be included in the final technical data package.
3rd step is Procedures. Cognizant command procedures for finalizing the technical data package, such as, mono-detail and multi-detail drawings, and associated lists, should be used.
Additional engineering logistics considerations:
1st point is Re-evaluate design: The pcb board cloning process as described earlier in this handbook does not address additional engineering and logistics considerations. The newly acquired technical knowledge, gained by pcb board cloning, allows us to re-evaluate the design for maintenance philosophy, reliability, cost, and other changes that may affect the logistics support requirements.
2nd point is Follow-on considerations include:
End-item technical data package update. The new technical data package including drawings, parts lists, specifications, specification change notices, drawing change notices and notices of revision should be incorporated into all affected documentation using the configuration management procedures required by the individual commands.
and Integrated logistics support (ILS). A review of pcb board reverse engineering should be made of the level of repair analysis (LORA) based upon the new technical data available. Due to lack of repair, items that are currently throw-away may now be reclassified as repairable.
Circuit Engineering Company Limited provide a complete PCB Reverse Engineering, PCB Clone and PCB Restoration service, Rapid Prototyping and functional test services using the latest technologies combined with traditional skills for a wide range of industries. By integrating our traditional skills with the latest technologies, we can offer clients a comprehensive portfolio of product development services all under one roof. For more details please contact our customer
service team.
Tags: double side pcb board cloning,flexible pcb board cloning,multilayer pcb board cloning,rigid flex pcb board cloning,single side pcb board cloning,клон pwb bom,клон pwb cad file,клон pwb component list,клон pwb gerber file,клон pwb part list,клон pwb schematic