NC Controller Circuit Board Restoration
NC Controller Circuit Board Restoration
For the proposed optimal layout, NC Controller Circuit Board Restoration can help engineer to extract the Gerber file, schematic diagram and BOM out from the physical NC controller circuit board sample, the design shares the traits of the lateral power loop by showing little dependence on board thickness and a strong dependence on inner layer distance. This design provides a significant reduction in loop inductance from the removal of the shield layer and reduced physical size of the power loop;

NC Controller Circuit Board restoration
traits similar to the vertical powerloop design. Combining the strengths of both conventional designs, and limiting the weaknesses, the proposed design can provide a reduction in inductance on the order of 65% compared to the best conventional lateral or vertical power loop.
The power loss for the three different loop layouts, constructed with different board thicknesses and inner layer distances is shown in below figure. From this data it can be seen that for similar parasitic inductances the power loss of the lateral loop is higher than the vertical and optimal loop.
The cause of the increased loss in the lateral power loop can be attributed to the additional loss in the shield layer, which is not required in the vertical or proposed optimal power loop. The experimental hardware verifies the predicted trend of increased loop inductance and higher power loss.