IPTE realises test solution for ABB

IPTE FA has developed and brought to market a universal semi-automatic test application for the so-called power modules in the charging units of electrical vehicles (EVs). The test application was made for the Product Group EV Charging Infrastructure of ABB B.V..

The requirement was to test the assemblies which control and switch high voltages and currents in a manner that was safe, precise and could be 100 % reproduced and documented. The charging units handle an output of 10 kilowatts and the assembly is tested without housing and shielding. This requires appropriate shielding measures as the test piece generates high-frequency interference and electromagnetic fields that can influence the measuring devices. In addition, the weight, 20 kilogrammes, requires a stable base and contact device.

The measurements also require a special measuring device for high voltages and currents as faulty components have the potential to reach high temperatures. The new test application allows the operating temperature of the assemblies to be monitored at various places using infra-red sensors.

The configurable IPTE software interface allows all parameters to be tested, measured, documented, displayed and imputed in a clearly-arranged way that makes results easy to decipher for operating personnel.



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