High Frequency Circuit Board Reverse Engineering
A frontier category of communication products, the concept of microwave level high frequency circuit board reverse engineering and its design principles. The reason why the circuit board reverse engineering principle of the microwave-level high-frequency circuit is chosen is because the principle of this aspect has broad guiding significance and belongs to the current high-tech popular application technology.
The transition from microwave Circuit Board Reverse Engineering concept to high-speed wireless network (including various types of access networks) is also the same, because they are based on the same basic principle.
The digital circuits designed by experienced RF engineers or the relatively low-frequency circuit PCBs have a very high success rate because their design philosophy is based on “distribution” parameters, while the distributed parameter concept is in lower frequency circuits (including The destructive effect in digital circuits is often overlooked.

High Frequency Circuit Board Reverse Engineering
For a long time, the design of many electronic products (mainly for communication products) completed by peers has often been a problem. On the one hand, it is related to the lack of necessary links in electrical principle design (including redundant design, reliability design, etc.), but more importantly, many of these problems occur when people think that they have considered all necessary links.
In response to these problems, they often spend their energy on the verification of procedures, electrical principles, parameter redundancy, etc., but rarely spend their energy on the review of High Frequency Circuit Board Reverse Engineering, but often due to High Frequency Circuit Board Reverse Engineering defects, resulting in a large number Product performance issues.
High Frequency Circuit Board Reverse Engineering principles cover many aspects, including basic principles, anti-jamming, electromagnetic compatibility, security protection, and more. For these aspects, especially in high-frequency circuits (especially in microwave-level high-frequency circuits), the lack of relevant concepts often leads to the failure of the entire R&D project.