Copy Microchip PIC18F8722 Secured MCU Program
Copy Microchip PIC18F8722 Secured MCU Program after breaking PIC18F8722 encrypted microcontroller flash memory protection, and readout embedded firmware including heximal or binary from PIC18F8722 processor;

For timing insensitive applications, the RC and RCIO Oscillator modes offer additional cost savings. The actual oscillator frequency is a function of several factors:
- supply voltage
- values of the external resistor (REXT) and capacitor (CEXT)
- operating temperature
Given the same device, operating voltage and tempera- ture and component values, there will also be unit-to-unit frequency variations. These are due to factors such as:
- normal manufacturing variation
- difference in lead frame capacitance between package types (especially for low CEXT values)
- variations within the tolerance of limits of REXT and CEXT
In the RC Oscillator mode, the oscillator frequency divided by 4 is available on the OSC2 pin. This signal may be used for test purposes or to synchronize other logic when breaking off pic16f870 locked mcu flash memory. Figure 2-5 shows how the R/C combination is connected.
The RCIO Oscillator mode (Figure 2-6) functions like the RC mode, except that the OSC2 pin becomes an additional general purpose I/O pin. The I/O pin becomes bit 6 of PORTA (RA6).
A Phase Locked Loop (PLL) circuit is provided as an option for users who wish to use a lower frequency oscillator circuit or to clock the device up to its highest rated frequency from a crystal oscillator to unlock pic16f84a mcu encrypted chip binary file. This may be useful for customers who are concerned with EMI due to high-frequency crystals or users who require higher clock speeds from an internal oscillator.