Circuit Board Reverse Engineering
When refers to Circuit board reverse engineering, Lots of people has misunderstanding on this industry, as a matter of fact, accompany with the development of circuit board reverse engineering. Nowadays the circuit board reverse engineering industry concept has been widely and deeply extended to wider scope which is not only limited to replicate or copy, it will also refers to the electronic product circuit board second phase development and new product circuit board research and development. For example, through the analysis of the physical existing product specification and datasheet, design thoughts and structure features as well as the technical parameter, we can provide the market availability and competitiveness reference for new product circuit board research and development. Assist the research and development institute and to follow up and upgrade the most updated technology and give rise to the circuit board modification solution for the purpose of most advanced and competitive product. Meanwhile, in the course of circuit board reverse engineering, technical specification and datasheet include production Gerber file, bill of material and schematic diagram can be extracted and partially modified, which can help to upgrade the electronic product in great speed, at the same time, through these files the dedicated engineers can modify and redesign the circuit board according to customer requirement which means the circuit board layout and wiring diagram can be customized and personalized for a better user experience, and new product being born in this way will be more energetic in the market which can also be granted the intellectual property and has more market share, provide the win-win strategy.