Industrial Control Circuit Card Assemblies Cloning
Industrial Control Circuit Card Assemblies Cloning means the layout drawing, gerber file and BOM can be acquired from a physical industrial control circuit card assemblies.
With the reduced overshoot and high efficiency achievable with the optimal eGaN FET layout, the converter has the ability to handle much higher input voltages with low voltage rated devices. The converter was operated at input voltages of 12 V, 19 V, 24 V, and 28 V, and the efficiency curves are shown in figure 10. Due to the voltage overshoot in the MOSFET design, its operation was limited to 12 V, 19 V, and 24 V.
The introduction of high performance eGaN FETs offers the potential to switch at higher frequencies and efficiency than possible with traditional Si MOSFET technology. Combined with improved figures of merit and low parasitic packaging, eGaN FETs enable extremely low high frequency loop inductance layout to fully utilize the device’s capability.
To evaluate the impact of high frequency loop inductance on performance, multiple designs of conventional lateral and vertical power loops with the same minimal common source inductance were created and compared.
To overcome the limitations of the conventional PCB layouts an optimal layout is proposed to achieve the best performance with eGaN FETs. Through the use of an optimal layout approach, the benefits of eGaN FET technology are further enhanced, providing additional efficiency gains and higher voltage operation capability.