PCB Board Reverse Engineering Topology Plan
Engineer needs to use topology plan, through the interaction of components on the already finished layout and semi-finished layout to achieve the best layout and interconnection, as a result of that, to improve the PCB board reverse engineering efficiency.
alongside with the acquaitance of topology plan as well as the completion of critical area/high density area layout, PCB reverse engineering could probably be finished before the final topology plan. As a result of that, some of the topology routes could probably work together with the current layout. Although their priority level is still relatively low, but still need to make the electrical connection. Since a part of the plan will be generated by circling the components around it. Besides, this level of plan could probably need more details to provide other signals for necessary previlige rank.
In order to plan the databus, engineer must take some of the obstacles, design rules among each layer and other important restricted terms into account. By acquisition and understanding of these terms, they can draw the topology route accordingly.
Detail 1 has made plan for the component’s pinout definition against the top layer, and can be used to draw the component’s pinout, and connect to the topology route in detail 2. And this part will use the un-printed area, and will only view the first layer as the circuit layer. From the perspective of PCB board reverse engineering, it is quite normal to do it in this way, and the layout algorithm can use the top layer to connect to the red topology route. However, for this very special databus, some of the obstacles of automatic layout could probably provide other layer’s option.