Copying PCB Circuit Card Software Operation
Copying PCB Circuit Card starts from reverse engineering PCB circuit card‘s productive documents include Layout drawing, gerber file, BOM and schematic diagram, and then use these documents to reproduce PCB circuit board;

Pressing <Key>F5 or clicking one of the text selector buttons changes to text-mode. Each successive notify event (<Btn1>) pops up the input line at the bottom and queries for a string. Enter it and press <Key>Return to confirm or <Key>Escape to abort. The text object is created with its upper left corner at the current pointer location. The initial scaling is changed by <Key>t and Shift<Key>t or from the Sizes menu.
Now switch to rotate-mode and press <Btn1> at the text-objects location. Text objects on the solder side of the layout are automatically mirrored and flipped so that they are seen correctly when viewing the solder-side.
Use <Key>n to edit the string. TEXT OBJECTS ON COPPER LAYERS CREATE COPPER LINES BUT THEY ARE NOT SCANNED FOR CONNECTIONS. If they are moved to the silkscreen layer, they no longer create copper.
Removing a point does not force clipping to 45 degree angles (because it’s not generally possible). Newly created polygons will not connect to pins or vias that pierce it unless you create a thermal (using the thermal mode) to make the connection. If the edge of a polygon gets too close to a pin or via that lies outside of it, a warning will be issued and the pin will be given a special color. Increasing the distance between them will remove the warning color.
The initial size of new vias may be changed by <Key>v and Shift<Key>v or by selecting the appropriate entry from the Sizes menu. Mod1<Key>v and Mod1 Shift<Key>v do the same for the drilling hole of the via. The statusline is updated with the new values. Creating a via is similar to the other objects. Switch to via-mode by using either the selector button or <Key>F1 then press <Key>] or <Btn1> to create one. <Key>n changes the name of a via.
Tags: copying pcb circuit card bom,copying pcb circuit card component list,copying pcb circuit card design,copying pcb circuit card diagram,copying pcb circuit card drawing,copying pcb circuit card gerber file,copying pcb circuit card layout,copying pcb circuit card part list,copying pcb circuit card schematic