Multilayer PCB Card Copying

Multilayer PCB Card Copying starts from delayer the top and bottom layer of circuit board, and draw the layout scheme according to circuitry pattern, then extract schematic diagram drawing from original PCB card;

Multilayer PCB Card Copying delete-mode deletes the object beneath the cursor with each Btn1 click. If you click at an end-point that two lines have in common, it will replace the two lines with a single line spanning the two remaining points. This can be used to delete an “inserted” point in a line, restoring the previous line. Now delete one of the original corner points of the polygon you were just playing with.

To do this, place the cross hair over the corner and click on it with the Delete tool. You could also use the Backspace key if some other tool is active. Try deleting some of the lines and intermediate points that you created earlier. Use undo repeatedly to undo all the changes that you’ve made. Use redo a few times to see what happens. Now add a new line. Notice that you can no longer use redo since the layout has changed since the last undo happened after printed pcb card cloning. The undo/redo tree is always pruned in this way (i.e. it has a root, but no branches).

The Arrow tool is so important, it has its own section: Section 3.10 [Arrow Tool], page 27. Go read it now. Lock tool allows you to lock objects on the layout. When an object is locked, it can’t be selected, moved, rotated, or resized. This is useful for very large objects like ground planes, or board-outlines that are defined as an element. With such large objects, nearly anywhere you click with the Arrow tool will be on the large object, so it could be hard to draw box selections. If you lock an object, the Arrow tool will behave as if it didn’t exist.

You cannot unlock an object with undo. You must click on it again with the Lock tool. If an object is locked, previous changes to it cannot be undone either. When you lock an Object after pcb assembly board cloning, a report message about it is popped up and will always tell you what object it is, and that it is locked if you just locked it. Other than noticing your inability to manipulate something, the only way to tell an object is locked is with a report from the Info menu. Use the Lock tool sparingly.

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