Duplicating Printed Wiring Card
Duplicating Printed wiring card’s far side button turns on and off the visibility of elements (including SMD pads) on the opposite (to the side you’re viewing) board side, as well as silk screening on that side. It does not hide the x-ray view of the other copper layers, these must be turned off separately if desired. Use the tab key to view the entire board from the other side.
To see a view of what the back side of the board will actually look like, make the solder layer the active layer then press tab until the status line says “solder” on the right after cloning pcb card, then turn off the visibility of all layers except solder, pins/pads, vias, and silk. Now turn them all back on.
The lowest button, named active, is used to change the active drawing layer. Pressing <Btn1> on it pops up a menu to select which layer should be active. Each entry is labeled with the layer’s name and drawn in its color. The active layer is automatically made visible.
The active layer is always drawn on top of the other layers, so the ordering of layers on the screen does not generally reflect the ordering of the manufactured board. Only the solder, component, silkscreen, and solder-mask layers are always drawn in their physical order. Bringing the active layer to the top makes it easier to select and change objects on the active layer.
Try changing the active layer’s name to ABC by selecting ‘edit name of active layer’ from the ‘Edit’ menu. Changing the active layer can also be done by pressing keys 1..MAX LAYER.
In the process of Printed wiring card Duplicating, Turn off the visibility of the component layer. Now make the component layer the active layer. Notice that it automatically became visible. Try setting a few other layers as the active layer. You should also experiment with turning on and off each of the layers to see what happens to figure out Printed circuit board reverse engineering process.
The netlist layer is a special layer for adding connections to the netlist by drawing rat lines. This is not the recommended way to add to the netlist, but occasionally may be convenient when Printed circuit board reverse engineering.
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