Reverse Engineering Electronic PCB Card Layout
Reverse Engineering Electronic PCB Card Layout include the schematic diagram, layout drawing, gerber file and BOM, the connection in the general drawing will be taken as the physical layout. This step is normally carried out automatically, anyway, there is also need to make some adjustment and modification manually.

In the example of double sided printed wiring board cloning, the lines in red and blue are represented the Electronic pcb card components side and soldering side separately. The white legendary and rectangle shape represent the indication of each symbol on the silkscreen print.
Red point and cycle represent the drilling hole and through hole. And we can also found the golden finger on the edge of Electronic pcb card, and this drawing produced from printed circuit board reverse engineering analysis is normally viewed as artwork.
In each PCB board making process, it must obey one set of rule, such as the minimum saved distance among the tracks, minimum tracks width, and other similar restriction, etc. these rules should follow the circuit transmission speed, the strength of signal transmission, the sensitivity of circuit on the power consumption and noise, as well as the Electronic pcb card material features and other factors such as manufacturing facilities.

If the strength of current is rising, then the thickness of transmitting wire must be adjusted accordingly. In order to decrease the cost of Electronic pcb card manufacturing, while the number of layer count reduced, it is necessary to check if all these rules can still be followed. If the requirement surpass two layers Electronic pcb card construction, then we normally need to choose power supply layer or groundling layer to avoid the impact of signal transmitting on the signal layer, and take the signal layer as shielding cover.
Tags: pcb assemble replicate,pcb board replicate,pcb card replicate,pcb replicate,pcba replicate,printed circuit board replicate,printed wiring board replicate,pwb replicate,pwba replicate